We celebrate and harness the strength in our uniqueness

Hermes Oil Services  is an energy and logistics company, with expertise focusing on haulage of petroleum products, bulk supply & distribution, safety practices & PPE supply, petroleum station & LPG plant infrastructure design, construction and operations.

We are a subsidiary of Gasland Nigeria Limited, one of the largest indigenous companies in the LPG sector of the oil and gas industry, with over 25 years of experience, over 40 locations nationwide and over 250,000,000 liters of yearly throughput.


To be an unrivaled world-class supplier of petroleum products in Sub-Saharan Africa


Our mission is to provide unrivaled service in the LPG & Energy sector providing a world-class experience for our clients.

Hermes Values

  •    Focus
  •    Excellence
  •    Synergy
  •    Sustainability

Why Choose Us

Timely Delivery

Delivery of petroleum products within 48 hours of request upon direct deposit payment confirmation.

Quality Assurance

With over 25 years of experience, over 40 locations nationwide and over 250,000,000 liters of yearly throughput, we have long standing industry reputability.

Industry Reputability

Our commitment to transparency, ethical conduct, and quality has earned us a reputation as a responsible and reliable partner. We work tirelessly to uphold this reputation by continually improving our practices, engaging with our stakeholders, and addressing any concerns in a timely and transparent manner.


Hermes has earned a reputation as a world-class company through our unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We are very dedicated to delivering an exceptional customer experience at every touchpoint.

Hermes Culture Statement

Hermes Culture Statement

Our culture is vibrant; inspiring unconventional and innovative thinking. Our work ethic is driven by focus, excellence, synergy and sustainability – the traits that influence our conduct and business processes.

We are focused on our goals and promote self-improvement, discipline, excellence ,integrity, loyalty and diversity. We act with mutual respect and are always conscious of our operating environment.

We are committed to empowering our people, impacting positively on our local communities, building and leveraging relationships, continually innovating and building a sustainable brand that delivers creative and lasting solutions